I'm working with Radial Gauge control. I would like to have an animation of needle, so I random numbers and pass them to a control, below there is a simplified part of code:
window.setInterval(function() { showWindow() }, 4000); function showWindow() { var needle = Math.random() * 5; needle = Math.min(Math.max(needle, 0), 100); $("#radialGauge").igRadialGauge("option", "value", needle); $("#needleValue").val(needle); }
Here is an instantation of control:
$("#radialGauge").igRadialGauge({ height: "400px", transitionDuration: "1000", width: "100%", maximumValue: 5 });
$("#radialGauge").igRadialGauge("option", "value", 0); $("#needleValue").val(0);
At the beginning everything works fine, needle moves in animated way, but after some time if I switch in browser to another tab and back to tab with radio gauge, everything changes. Needle moves immediately without an animation, and pivot in being increased and decreased in animated way.
Hi Przemyslaw,
Thank you for the sample code shared. I used it on my own sample and was able to reproduce the described behavior. I am currently investigating it and will keep you posted with my findings.
I have investigated this issue, and I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 203819. The next step will be for a developer to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix, or other resolution.
I will leave this case open and update you with any new information after the review. You can also continue to send updates to this case at any time.
You can view the status of the development issue connected to this case by selecting the "Development Issues" tab when viewing this case on the web site.
Best Regards,Hristo AnastasovAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics, Inc.
Hi Hristo,
thanks a lot for Your help. I will be tracking a status of this issue.
Best Regards
Przemyslaw Madej
Is there any update of this issue?
And I haven't found how to select "Development Issues".
Please let me know if issue is fixed after installing the latest SR.
Sorry for late response. Issue has been fixed and will be rolled out with next release, which is scheduled for September 2015. A more accurate schedule can be found at http://ko.infragistics.com/support/service-releases. You will be also automatically notified in the case when the fix is available for you to download.