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"Oops! Looks like a screen is missing from the prototype."

Hey guys,

I'm utterly confused by this.  Every time I go to make a mobile prototype, either in iPhone 4 or iPhone 5, and I go to share it with someone from a link on your servers, it loads the first screen and then when I click one thing, I get "Oops! Looks like a screen is missing from the prototype."  The files are saved within the same project folder and I have even tried this on PC and Mac.  Same issue and not sure why.  Here was the link and watch what happens when you click "announcements":

Any ideas?



  • 1075

    Hi Charles!

    When you share a prototype, you can either share the entire project, or just some files. If you only share some files, make sure to also include all the linked ones, otherwise, links to those screens will be broken. If you are selecting individual screens, please check if the Announcements1.screen was selected when sharing the start screen.

    Let me know if that helps.

    You can get additional info about sharing on the Sharing Your Prototypes topic on the Indigo documentation.



    Indigo Studio Team.

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