I am using UltraWebTree in an aspx page where I have a dropdown list. In the DropdownList selection_changed event I am clearing all the nodes of the UltraWebTree and the nodes are dynamically added based on the item selected in the DropDownList. When first time an Item is selected , I am able to click on any node in the tree. But when I change the selection in the dropdown( second time ) , the tree nodes are cleared and added again dynamically based on the selection which works fine, but when I click on any node it is throwing an exception, When i trace it the exception is in the function igtree_setSelectedNode(tn,nodeId).
For the very first time when tree is created with the nodes , it is working fine , I can select any node. But when I cleared all the nodes and add the nodes dynamically , if I click on any node I am getting this exception in the function igtree_setSelectedNode(tn,nodeId).
The exact line of code where it is throwing exception is shown in Bold below
var styleE;
styleE = igtree_currentNode;
styleE = igtree_getNodeSpan(igtree_currentNode)
styleE.tabIndex = -1;
nodeSpan = igtree_getNodeSpan(igtree_currentNode)
if(image!=null && image.tagName=="IMG") {
var unselectedImage = igtree_currentNode.getAttribute("igUnselImage");
In the code behind I have the code UltraWebTree1.ClearAll() to clear the nodes, after which I create the nodes again dynamically based on the Dropdown selection. I tried with UltraWebTree1.Nodes.Clear( ) but didn't help.
Please let me know why I am getting this Exception.
Thanks & Regards
Srihari Reddy
Hello Srihari,
Thanks for writing. This certainly does not seem right and could be a problem in the product or in the the way it is setup. I've tried to reproduce the very same error in a couple of test projects based on your description, unfortunately without much success.
I guess, the best way to proceed is to send a small subset of your project reproducing the issue to our Developer Support folks - they will surely be able to provide additional clues/solution when they see the repro
Developer Support can be reached via this link:
Hi Rumen,
For the UltraWebTree, when I set the AutoPostback to True, I didn't have this Exception. But only probelm now is, the page is getting refreshed when I click on any node or when I expand or collapse the node. I included the control ( UltraWebTree ) inside a RadAjaxPanel. But still I see that the page is getting refreshed. Please tell me if there is any other way that stops the page refresh when Autopostback is set True.
Srihari Reddy .R