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UltraWebGrid: Getting a cell value on each row and styling

Hi all,

 I have a UltraWebGrid on a page and I need to format one column's cell values.

Pseudo Code: 
If the cell valus is 0<value<100, set the cell's fontcolor to red, else set it to green.

here is the code I have tried on the RowDataBound event:

protected void UltraWebGrid1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)


decimal PercentageAcheivedValue = Convert.ToDecimal(this.UltraWebGrid1.Rows.FromKey("GetPercentageAchieved").GetCellValue(UltraWebGrid1.Columns[3]));if (PercentageAcheivedValue >= 0.0M && PercentageAcheivedValue < 100.00M)


UltraGridRow thisRow = UltraWebGrid1.Rows.FromKey("GetPercentageAchieved");

thisRow.Style.Font.Bold = true;thisRow.Style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;




"GetPercentageAchieved").Style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;UltraWebGrid1.Rows.FromKey("GetPercentageAchieved").Style.Font.Bold = true;




Also here is the code for the column in question:

<igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="GetPercentageAchieved" Key="GetPercentageAchieved"

IsBound="True" DataType="System.Decimal" Format="N2" Width="25%">

<Header Caption="% Achieved">

<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="3" />



<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="3" />




The error I get is on the RowDataBound event which says that i'm getting a null reference.

Therefore, my question is, how do I get the cell value of each row of a particular column on RowDataBound?


Thanks in advance.

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