I am trying to trigger a WebCombo box to change it's selected index when the user clicks a tab on the same page. I have it working the other direction: when the user changes the WebCombo value, the WebTab changes it's selected tab. See my javascript code below:
function tabPages_InitializeTabs(oWebTab){
function cboPages_AfterSelectChange(webComboId){
var idx = oCombo.getSelectedIndex();
var idx = oTab.getIndex();
function cboPages_InitializeCombo(webComboId){
The WebCombo initialize doesn't set the index either.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am seeing the same issue
Does not work for me either. Were you able to find out what is wrong?
No, I haven't been able to figure it out. It is not a huge issue for me, so I am not going to waste much time on it.
I thought someone from Infragistics would reposnd to this, but so far nothing.