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Google Chrome & UltraWebGrid. Compatible or Not?

I've got a problem. One of the datagrids a website which I am developing, doesn't show any rows >ever< when viewed under the new Google Chrome browser that was released earlier today.

Has anyone else noticed any inconsistences with the Infragistics controls and Google Chrome?

I've published two screenshots on my review of Google Chrome here: (scroll right down to the last two images in the article).

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  • 28464


    I have just gone through your blog post - great content there. I also was probably one of the first to download and try Google Chrome and I am really impressed by the speed and simplicity of the browser, plus several great ideas they have to save space (pressing Ctrl +K for search goes back to address bar with ? prefix - clever stuff).

    Google Chrome's engine is based on WebKit - this is the open source engine that powers the Safari browser. So while we of course cannot make any official statements for Chrome at this very moment, you will typically expect the controls we ship that work on Safari to generally work in Chrome. UltraWebGrid has parts of it that are not working on Safari yet, hence the problem you experience.

    Needless to say, Safari and Google Chrome support will be moving up the priority list and we will do our best to be better in this area. In fact, almost 100% of the stuff we will be going to ship soon already works fine in both Chrome and Safari - you can test this with the CTP versions of WebDataTree and WebDataGrid and our brand new Drag & Drop framework here (a lot of this stuff and much more will ship in the next releases we have)

    So basically - yes, we are watching Chrome (and WebKit / Safari in general) closely and will be doing our best to support that, the way we support FireFox/Mozilla and IE.
