I am creating a gridView dynamically as result may have different columns for different queries etc. Displaying the columns is working along with rows. But now I need to enable the editing in the gridView.
resultGridView=new HtmlGridView();
resultGridView.setDataSource(new ListDataModel(investments));
I have found getGridEditing() and it has some enabling methods. But some of them are using string which I believe are defined somewhere to show what are the valid values but api documentation doesn't point to it.
The bigger issue is that it returns null and there is no setGridEditing() method.
Ok I tried one more thing without any luck:
resultGridView.getFacets().put(HtmlGridView.FACET_EDITOR, gE);
//Still the following 2 lines get null returned from resultGridView.getGridEditing().
and I also tried just the heck of it:
same result.
I was trying to create dynamically a grid and make it editable. The main idea is that you add the gridEditing tag as a child of the gridView tag, i.g.
<ig:gridEditing binding="#{dynGrid.gridEditing}"></ig:gridEditing>
and bind it to a com.infragistics.faces.grid.component.html.HtmlGridEditing property in the bean. Then I set the following properties
and added it as a child component of the grid. Unfortuantelly it didn't help either. One possible explanation was that probably the gridEditing tag is being handled only during initialization and the grid cannot be set editable afterwards.