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UltraWebGrid.copy() fails


I have been trying to get the copy() function to work for my WebGrid, but it keeps returning false.  Here is my javascript code for capturing the context menu:

function ShowContextMenu(evt){

//Firefox passes event arg as parameter (evt). If that is null, we'll use window.event (Internet Explorer proprietary)

var e=evt?evt:window.event;


//Call show menu with menuID

//specify clientX and clientY to get more accurate positioning for this particular layout

igmenu_showMenu("<%=this.muContextMenu.ClientID %>",null,(e.clientX+document.documentElement.scrollLeft)+"px",(e.clientY+document.documentElement.scrollTop)+"px");


//Firefox (W3C) - cancel event


//InternetExplorer (Proprietary) - cancel event


return false;


function ContextMenuItemClick(menuid,itemid)


//Grab a reference to the ContextMenuItem that was clicked on

var item=igmenu_getItemById(itemid);

var oGrid = igtbl_getGridById("ugContacts");

var nRows = oGrid.Rows.length;


//We'll use the text from the menuitem to decide which operation to perform

switch(item.getText()){case "Select All":

oGrid.selectRowRegion(oGrid.Rows.getRow(0), oGrid.Rows.getRow(nRows-1));


case "Copy":



case "Export To Excel":





function ugContacts_MouseUpHandler(gridName, id, button)



//Because the WebGrid consumes all mouse events, we need to add

//a listener to determine when a mouse click has occured so we can

//close the popup menu appropriately

igmenu_getMenuById("<%= this.muContextMenu.ClientID %>").dismiss();



The "Select All" and "Export to Excel" functions properly, but the copy returns a false when I capture it's return value. 

I have a WebGrid in a page, it is hierarchical, and I have CellClickActionDefault set to RowSelect.  Here is my UltraWebGrid setup:

<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="ugContacts" runat="server" Height="560px" Width="100%"





<AddNewRow Visible="NotSet" View="NotSet"></AddNewRow>



<displaylayout allowcolsizingdefault="Free" bordercollapsedefault="Separate"

name="UltraWebGrid1" rowheightdefault="-1px" selecttypecelldefault="Extended"

selecttypecoldefault="Extended" selecttyperowdefault="Extended" version="3.00"

viewtype="Hierarchical" CellPaddingDefault="5" ColWidthDefault="-1px" GridLinesDefault="None"

IndentationDefault="1" RowSelectorsDefault="No"

allowsortingdefault="OnClient" enableclientsiderenumbering="True"

enableinternalrowsmanagement="True" headerclickactiondefault="SortMulti"

sortcasesensitivedefault="False" CellClickActionDefault="RowSelect">

<framestyle backcolor="White" borderstyle="Solid" borderwidth="2px"

font-names="Microsoft Sans Serif" font-size="XX-Small" height="560px"



<Images ImageDirectory="./ig_res/Default/images/">

<CollapseImage Url="igg_sortAsc.gif" />

<ExpandImage Url="igg_sortDesc.gif" />


<RowAlternateStyleDefault Font-Names="Microsoft Sans Serif"

Font-Size="XX-Small" BackColor="#CCCCCC" BorderColor="#0144D0"

BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px">

<Padding Left="3px" />

<BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" />


<ClientSideEvents MouseUpHandler="ugContacts_MouseUpHandler" />


<PagerStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px">

<borderdetails colorleft="White" colortop="White" widthleft="1px"

widthtop="1px" />



<headerstyledefault backcolor="Silver" borderstyle="Solid" font-names="Microsoft Sans Serif"

font-size="XX-Small" Font-Bold="True">

<borderdetails colorleft="White" colortop="White" widthleft="1px"

widthtop="1px" />


<rowstyledefault backcolor="White" bordercolor="#0144D0" borderstyle="None"

borderwidth="0px" font-names="Microsoft Sans Serif" font-size="XX-Small">

<padding left="3px" />

<borderdetails colorleft="White" colortop="White" />


<SelectedRowStyleDefault BackColor="#9FBEEB">


<GroupByBox Hidden="True">



<boxstyle backcolor="LightGray" borderstyle="Solid" borderwidth="1px"

Font-Names="Microsoft Sans Serif" Font-Size="XX-Small">

<borderdetails colorleft="White" colortop="White" widthleft="1px"

widthtop="1px" />



<activationobject bordercolor="" borderwidth="0px" allowactivation="False"




<RowStyle Font-Names="Microsoft Sans Serif" Font-Size="XX-Small" />




Am I missing something?  Do I have a setting improperly set?  Or is this not possible with hierarchical grids?

I appreciate any assistance.


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