Does anyone know how to create a simple webmenu with sub menu. i am having trouble doing it. It seen like i have alot of javascript error. I just need a simple want only with sub menu. Thanks for all the help.
Hi,Since version 7.1 is no longer supported, would you try downloading the latest trial version currently available at:
And try again.
Hello there,
This is my sample file you can download it at this link
Thanks for the replies
Hi there again,Could you provide a sample project or be more specific on the error you got?The JavaScript you inserted here shows no error but the menu initialization script.
2. Put the menu you want:
<ignav:ultrawebmenu id="ProcessMenu" runat="server"WebMenuTarget="VerticalMenu"><Items> <ignav:Item Text="Top Item"> <!-- Here you will have the sub-items within this menu item --> <Items> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 1" /> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 2" /> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 3" /> </Items> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="Top Item 2" /></Items></ignav:ultrawebmenu>
Hello there again,
I have the following
1. Register namespace with tagprefix:
3. Add all the component reference
4. Using VS 2008
There problme is the moment i add this line <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 1" /> and run my it cause me javascript error which is below
<script type='text/javascript'>
<!--igmenu_ProcessMenu_Menu=[ "ProcessMenu",2,1,"","ig_5d89cbe_1","","/ig_common/images/ig_menuTri.gif",false,"300","100","NotSet","#D3D3D3","5","200","1000","","","ig_5d89cbe_4","ig_5d89cbe_2","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrollup.gif","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrollup_disabled.gif","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrolldown.gif","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrolldown_disabled.gif",false,true,"","",true,"",false];
igmenu_ProcessMenu_Events = [ ["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0]];
igmenu_initMenu('ProcessMenu'); //-->
Hi again,No, you are not required to buy any software. Just installing the trial version of NetAdvantage for ASP.NET would be enough for you to test the controls.
Would you be more specific on the errors and provide more details. Like which version of NetAdvantage are you using, what environment (VS 2005, 2008 ?), do you have the neccessary refereces to the SHARED (Infragistics35.WebUI.Shared) library in your web config, what exact JS error you are getting.
Here: can find complete example of WebMenu and you can browse the source of ASPX page, as well as code-behind C# file.
Hope this helps