Does anyone know how to create a simple webmenu with sub menu. i am having trouble doing it. It seen like i have alot of javascript error. I just need a simple want only with sub menu. Thanks for all the help.
After installing, let's say Infragistics NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2008.2 CLR 3.5, and creating a simple website, you could do the following in your ASPX page:1. Register namespace with tagprefix:<%@ Register assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.v8.2" namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator" tagprefix="ignav" %>
2. Put the menu you want:
<ignav:ultrawebmenu id="ProcessMenu" runat="server"WebMenuTarget="VerticalMenu"><Items> <ignav:Item Text="Top Item"> <!-- Here you will have the sub-items within this menu item --> <Items> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 1" /> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 2" /> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 3" /> </Items> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="Top Item 2" /></Items></ignav:ultrawebmenu>
Hope this helps,
Anton Staykov"] After installing, let's say Infragistics NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2008.2 CLR 3.5, and creating a simple website, you could do the following in your ASPX page:1. Register namespace with tagprefix:<%@ Register assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.v8.2" namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator" tagprefix="ignav" %> 2. Put the menu you want: <ignav:ultrawebmenu id="ProcessMenu" runat="server"WebMenuTarget="VerticalMenu"><Items> <ignav:Item Text="Top Item"> <!-- Here you will have the sub-items within this menu item --> <Items> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 1" /> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 2" /> <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 3" /> </Items> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="Top Item 2" /></Items></ignav:ultrawebmenu> Hope this helps,
I have try it but the moment i have this line down <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 1" /> it cause to have javascript error on my website. so cannot carry on to test it. Does i required to buy the software before can i test that part out? Please advise..
<script type='text/javascript'>
<!--igmenu_ProcessMenu_Menu=[ "ProcessMenu",2,1,"","ig_5d89cbe_1","","/ig_common/images/ig_menuTri.gif",false,"300","100","NotSet","#D3D3D3","5","200","1000","","","ig_5d89cbe_4","ig_5d89cbe_2","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrollup.gif","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrollup_disabled.gif","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrolldown.gif","/ig_common/images/ig_menu_scrolldown_disabled.gif",false,true,"","",true,"",false];
igmenu_ProcessMenu_Events = [ ["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0]];
igmenu_initMenu('ProcessMenu'); //-->
The want in bold and underline is causing the error
Hello there again,
I have the following
1. Register namespace with tagprefix:
3. Add all the component reference
4. Using VS 2008
There problme is the moment i add this line <ignav:Item Text="SubTop Item 1" /> and run my it cause me javascript error which is below
Hi,Since version 7.1 is no longer supported, would you try downloading the latest trial version currently available at:
And try again.
Hello there,
This is my sample file you can download it at this link
Thanks for the replies
Hi there again,Could you provide a sample project or be more specific on the error you got?The JavaScript you inserted here shows no error but the menu initialization script.