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Client CSOM setTargetURL changes text displayed, should only change url


I am using webgrid 7.1 on .NET 1.1

 I have a webgrid with a column that is of type "HyperLink".

In that column i set the TargetURL to a javascript function using "java_script:OpenAudit(x)", this happens from code behind. Now the user click on a column to sort it. Sorting is done on clientside. After the sort, the TargetURL of each row is reset, and the hyperlink does not work anymore.

So i have added some client side code to the AuditGrid_AfterXmlHttpResponseProcessed event. In this code i set the targeturl back to the correct url using code below. After executing this code, the value of the cell becomes "java_script:OpenAudit(x)". The link works, both i don't want the URL to display in the cell, i want the value of the cell to be "Audit 2008/1" and the hypelink should be "java_script:OpenAudit(x)".  This looks like a bug in the CSOM. Does anybody know how to set the targetUrl from clientside code without messing up the value of the cell. I does work from codebehind, but i want to avoid postback ofcourse.

function AuditGrid_AfterXmlHttpResponseProcessed(gridName)


var grid = igtbl_getGridById(gridName);

if (grid!=null)


for(var rowcounter=0; rowcounter < grid.Rows.length; rowcounter++)


var row = grid.Rows.getRow(rowcounter);

if (row!=null)


var id

var idcell = row.getCellFromKey("Id");

if (idcell!=null)

var id = idcell.getValue();


var actioncodecell = row.getCellFromKey("ActionCode");

if (actioncodecell!=null)


var url = "java_script:OpenAudit('"+ id + "')";







Remark:To test remove the _ from java_script!!!

Sorry for the bad formatting, both apparently the editor does a crappy job of copy-paste from visual studio 2003

No Data
  • 538


    For whomever is interested, the CSOM method setTargetURL is i.m.o incorrect. Below i have submitted the solution. i have implemented the function myself (as i do not want to change CSOM, otherwise upgrades would make the problem come back). I have included the part of the code that needs to be changed to make this work. I do not know this would work with "ordinary links" but for "script links" this works pretty good.

     if (actioncodecell!=null)



    var el = actioncodecell.Element.firstChild;

    //following was hard to figure out!!!


    if (el!=null)

    el = el.firstChild;


    //set href

    el.href="java_script:OpenAudit('"+ id + "')";


    //set target = "_self";


