Hi All,
I'm new to Infragistics. I wish to know how to remove left side bar (silver color one which appears by default -- same as header) from ultrawebgrid.
I set SelectRowTypeDefault as Single. It shows one more vertical bar for row selection. So totally 2 bars appeared on left side of the grid.
I dont want to show first one( which comes default). Is it possible to hide or remove that vertical bar?
Set the grid's DisplayLayout.RowSelectorsDefault property to "No".
You should also ensure that the RowSelectors property on your band is either set to "NotSet" (which means it will inherit the value set on the DisplayLayout) or "No" (which overrides the setting on the DisplayLayout and turns the row selectors off for that band).
I found the solution. Left bar disappears when i removed -> ViewType="OutlookGroupBy" from DisplayLayout .
Thanks for your suggestions. when i implemented yuor suggestion, i have seen that the left side bar which is used to select the row disappeared(I need it). Other one(blank grey colour left bar) still appears. (I dont need it)
I need only the row selecting left bar. how? Is it possible?