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Event Order

I have a number of pages that use UltraWebGrid with in grid editing.  I am trying to find out what page event (if any) occurs before the grids request data but after the page state has been reloaded.  On first request the Page_Load seems to be called before the grid_initializedatasource but on postback the grid_initializedatasource is called before the page_load.  I tried tapping in the page_initcomplete and page_preload events but those also occur after the grid_initializedatasource.  I have a basepage that all my webforms inherit from and I want to create a method in the base page that either captures a businessobject from sessionstate or restores one from an id on a hiddenfield on the page prior to the grids initializedatasource events.

  • 28464
    Verified Answer


    The best page to get started with that is here - this great blog post called "Demystifying WebGrid DataBinding" - plenty of useful information there

    You may also find the following ASP.NET page lifecycle MSDN article useful as well (which event gets fired when)

    As far as InitializeDataSource is concerned - yes, this event is called automatically whenever the grid needs data (before displaying, after postback to restore the state, on sorting, etc, etc) -  so there is no fixed place in the ASP.NET page lifecycle where it is called. In most of the cases this is exactly what you need, but yes - if you do need better control on that, you may need to databind not in InitializeDataSource, but elsewhere - depending on the logic.

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