Hi folks,
I have a WebGrid set up with a WebCombo as a cell editor so that a user can select a value from the drop down to populate the cell value. I have type ahead set up on the WC and it has been working well.
If you try and type a value that is not in the drop down list, when you click out of the cell it simply blanks the value. Is it possible to modify the WG/WC behaviour to allow a value to be selected from the drop down and also allow a user to type in a value.
I realise what i'm askin kind of goes against having the drop down in the first place but if this can be done it would be very helpful.
I appreciate any help.
When the user enters a value into the cell, you would you expect that to be handled by the grid? Are you using different display values and data values in the WebCombo?
For example, a pretty common scenario is to have a grid column that is a numeric data type, for example a number that represents a color. The column may have a webcombo embedded in it that contains lookup values to make it easier for a user to select the correct value ("Red", "Green" or "Blue"). In this scenario should the cell only allow the end user to enter numeric values since that it its underlying data type, or should it accept "Black" as the value, and if so how does that get converted to the numeric value required by the column?
Hi folks, I appreciate your input.
I'm getting a little bit confused, whose correct in this case - Helen says it cant be done, Devin seems to think so?
Devin:The datavalues and display values are both the same in my WebCombo.To follow through with your example, currently if I have a WebCombo with Red/Green/Blue as items then if I try to type Black, when I click out of the cell the value dissapears. How can the behaviour you describe in your post be accomplished? Is it through use of client side events?
I have since set up a basic testing page following this example (as I did with my original page):http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=3501but am still seeing the same behaviour.
I should maybe point out that I am using Infragistics 2006 Volume 3 CLR2.0 just in case any of the behviours you describe is new functionality.
Thanks for your help.Jonny