Hello all,
at both the grid and band level. When I first start the app the grid lines appear in both the header and in the band. After the first postback the grid lines disappear. I also think that other settings such as row height are behaving the same way.
Anyone have an idea as to what is going on?
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for giving us your feedback. I did a simple example, setting GridLinesDefault="None" in the DisplayLayout tag of the grid, and GridLines="None", at the band level, and at runtime when the ASPX is loaded, the grid lines do not appear. I used the latest 8.3 build. In your case, if the grid lines disappear only after the first postback, it may well be related to the order of events. Could you post some of your code which manipulates the GridLines settings? Also the exact version that you use would be very helpful to me. I assume that there could have already been a grid lines bug submitted, that is already fixed.
Hello Angel,
Todd and Hope have a copy of the project if you would like to take a look.