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Dropdown Fields Show Values Not Text when I use more than 1 Dropdown

I have a grid in which I have the following fields
    IssueCode    - Defined as a DropDown
    IssueStatus  - Defined as a DownDown
    StartDate     - Defined as a DateChooser
    EndDate      - Defined as a DateChooser

The two dropdowns are defined using the following ValuesList information

In the ASPX page the columns are defined like...
    <igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="IssueCode" IsBound="True" Key="IssueCode" Type="DropDownList" Width="300px">
         <Header Caption="Issue Code">
             <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="1" />
         <CellStyle BackColor="Salmon">
            <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="1" />
    <igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="IssueStatus" IsBound="True" Key="IssueStatus" Type="DropDownList" Width="80px">
         <Header Caption="Status">
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2" />
         <CellStyle BackColor="Salmon">
            <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2" />

 In the code behind the valuelist are defined like this...
    //Set dropdown for Issue Code
    ValueList vlIssueCode = uwgIssues.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("IssueCode").ValueList;
    vlIssueCode.DataSource = ds1;
    vlIssueCode.DataMember =
    vlIssueCode.ValueMember =
    vlIssueCode.DisplayMember =
    //Set dropdown for Issue Status|
    ValueList vlIssueStatus = uwgIssues.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("IssueStatus").ValueList;
    vlIssueStatus.DataSource = ds1;
    vlIssueStatus.DataMember =
    vlIssueStatus.ValueMember =
    vlIssueStatus.DisplayMember =

When the grid displays the IssueCode field displays the DataText value in the field and the dropdown works just fine. But in the Status field it displays the DataValue in the field but when you click the cell it displays the dropdown and it too works just fine. It's just when the grid is displayed that the second filed defined as a dropdown field doesn't display the correct text value it displayes the code value. This grid also has child records and the dropdowns in those fields also don't display the correct value. But the dropdowns work correctly so my clients can see the proper values when they click in the cells.

Thanks for any help...


No Data
  • 210

     Thanks for the quicl reply.  

    Yes in the ds1 datasource are 2 table members "IssueControl" and "IssueStatus". Both of these tables have the exact same fields;
        DataValue - which is the code and 
        DataText   - which is the display field

       The IssueCode has the following:
           DataValue   DataText
           0120           120 - Fraud
           0121           121 - Fraud - MisReport

       The IssueStatus has the following:
           DataValue   DataText
           1                Allow
           2                Deny

    As stated in my original post the dropdowns display correctly showing the proper text values and when selected and updated the data values are updated in the DB correctly. It's just when you view the grid the first dropdown field in each parent row displays the DataText correctly but all dropdown fields later in each row of the grid including the child rows display the DataValue instead of the DataText. 

    So the grid looks like  


    The IssueCode displays correctly but the Status field doesn't show the DataText correctly nor do the child records. The Type and DecisionID fields are dropdowns as well. All of the dropdowns as far as I can tell are all setup the exact same way so I don't see why the first one "Issue Code" is working and none of the others are.

