I Want to use validatorcallout extendor with Infragistic webdataedit controls
can any one tell me how i can use it , because i tryed it but error massage popup at wrong place
I looked at implementation of AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutBehavior and found that it relies on "target" html element which should be <input> and which id (elt.controltovalidate) is assumed to be equal to the ClientID of control on server.
That means that target can be only a simple control like asp:TextBox which renders its single <input> element with expected id. In order to support built-in dot-net validators, the WebTextEdit uses hidden element with id equal to ClientID. The id of actual visible <input> is different and it may depend on other properties (like enabled/disabled spin buttons).
Unfortunately WebTextEdit and any its extension is not compatible with ValidatorCalloutBehavior.
thanks for reply , but i show in one site one guys taoking about hardcoding some thing in source file and it would be work , can you explain me how and where
i aprriciate your help
this is site path
http://forums.archive.infragistics.com/readmessage?id=%3C336a409b$2d96b370$519d1c@news.infragistics.com%3E&group=infragistics.products.netadvantage.aspnet.webdatainputce code change