I Want to use validatorcallout extendor with Infragistic webdataedit controls
can any one tell me how i can use it , because i tryed it but error massage popup at wrong place
To test codes which I sent you, I used \AjaxToolKit\SampleWebSite\ValidatorCallout\ValidatorCallout.aspx where aps:TextBox with ID=NameTextBox I replaced by WebTextEdit with same id. It worked exactly the same way as for TextBox, including abiltiy to edit while pop-up. If your WebTextEdits have spin or custom buttons and you want to move extender to internal <input> rather than for outer <table>, then you may modify codes by validation for ID+'_t' element. Though it should be optional.
When you test I would recommend you to ensure that your codes are called and work correctly. For example, temporary insert
alert('inside callout');
line anywhere within your modified codes. If debugger is never hit or alert does not appear, then it probably means that at run time different toolkit-dll is used. Maybe on your machine it is in GAC, locked, cached by VisualStudio or similar problem.
Thanks for help but i still not get proper popup massage
it still littel far from connected control and not yellow background too and the textbox become readonly untill i close that popup
for all webTextEdit control it popup same place instead off top left
i don't know how to fix that
Sure you may customize toolkit. To include validation for WebTextEdit you may add a statement to _ensureCallout located in ValidatorCalloutBehavior.js:
Old code:
var elementToValidate = this._elementToValidate = $get(elt.controltovalidate);
New code:
var elementToValidate = $get(elt.controltovalidate);if(elementToValidate && elementToValidate.type == 'hidden'){ var elem = $get('igtxt' + elt.controltovalidate); if(elem) elementToValidate = elem;}this._elementToValidate = elementToValidate;
thanks for reply , but i show in one site one guys taoking about hardcoding some thing in source file and it would be work , can you explain me how and where
i aprriciate your help
this is site path
http://forums.archive.infragistics.com/readmessage?id=%3C336a409b$2d96b370$519d1c@news.infragistics.com%3E&group=infragistics.products.netadvantage.aspnet.webdatainputce code change
I looked at implementation of AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutBehavior and found that it relies on "target" html element which should be <input> and which id (elt.controltovalidate) is assumed to be equal to the ClientID of control on server.
That means that target can be only a simple control like asp:TextBox which renders its single <input> element with expected id. In order to support built-in dot-net validators, the WebTextEdit uses hidden element with id equal to ClientID. The id of actual visible <input> is different and it may depend on other properties (like enabled/disabled spin buttons).
Unfortunately WebTextEdit and any its extension is not compatible with ValidatorCalloutBehavior.