Hi all,
I'm currently in a situation where I'd like to bring focus to the textbox at the top of the webcombo, but not have the text highlighted and have the cursor at the end of the currently entered text. Is there a property to toggle this highlighting functionality off?
Additionally, I have another (slightly less important) unrelated question.
I'd like to be able to bold some of the characters in a cell, and leave others not bolded. I'm trying to bold the text in each cell that matches what is entered in the textbox. For a great example, see Google's finance site: http://finance.google.com/finance?hl=en&tab=we
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the help.
Hi Brad,
Thanks very much for your feedback. I believe that this WebCombo functionality is not currently supported. You could submit a feature request, and we will do our best to address it as soon as possible:
Thanks for your response, Angel.
Just to clarify, there is currently no way to have the text not highlight when the webcombo gains focus? I've been writing some custom code to "undo" this highlighting functionality, but it's a little bit backwards to write code to undo something that another piece of code did.
Can you perhaps point me in the right direction?