I want to place the webcombo in EditRowTemplate. Now i am able to place the webcombo in the EditRowTemplate. But after selecting the values from the webcombo in the EditRowTemplate, the EditRowTemplate get's closed.The EditRowTemplate should close only when clicks the "Ok" or "Cancel" button in EditRowTemplate. I don't want to go for the ASP.Net Dropdown list in the EditRowTemplate.please help me on this regard. Please help me on this regard.
This is an issue I've seen before. The drop-down area of most drop-down controls is considered to be part of the "body" element and thus not in the row edit template, as far as the browser is concerned. Once the user clicks on anything that isn't inside the row edit template, the template closes.
The workaround is to add some code to the grid's client-side BeforeRowTemplateClose event handler, to cancel the event whenever your WebCombo triggers the close.
function UltraWebGrid1_BeforeRowTemplateCloseHandler(gridName, rowId, bSaveChanges){ var grid = igtbl_getGridById(gridName); var combo = igcmbo_getComboById("<%= WebCombo1.ClientID %>"); var localEvent = (typeof(event)!='undefined') ? event : grid.event; var localSrcElem = localEvent.srcElement ? localEvent.srcElement : localEvent.target; if (localEvent && localSrcElem && igtbl_contains(combo.container,localSrcElem)) return true;}
I have a similar problem with the row edit template closing outside of the normal 'Ok' 'Cancel' buttons. We are using the WebDateChooser which works fine until the user tries selecting either the Month or Year selectors. If the Month dropdown list is selected the Edit Template will close. The same applies to selecting another year. I've tried trapping the BeforeRowTemplateCloseHandler event (as you've suggested) but it fails to fire. The WebDateChooser AutoCloseUp property doesn't seem to effect this undesirable behaviour. This happens in either IE or Firefox browsers.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi reinhart,
Have you fixed the problem?
I have a similar problem with webdatechooser and rowedittamplate.
Please let me know if you have fixed it
reinhart said: I have a similar problem with the row edit template closing outside of the normal 'Ok' 'Cancel' buttons. We are using the WebDateChooser which works fine until the user tries selecting either the Month or Year selectors. If the Month dropdown list is selected the Edit Template will close. The same applies to selecting another year. I've tried trapping the BeforeRowTemplateCloseHandler event (as you've suggested) but it fails to fire. The WebDateChooser AutoCloseUp property doesn't seem to effect this undesirable behaviour. This happens in either IE or Firefox browsers.
If the BeforeRowTemplateCloseHandler is not being raised, then either there's a bug or something in the application isn't set up correctly. I also suggest for you to submit a support request, as I suggested to the original poster. Please include a sample project that duplicates the issue you've described; this way, we can be sure we're looking at the same code you're using, and we'll be better able to resolve the issue more promptly.