I have a WebGrd that is bound to a DataView.
If my DataView has 2 or more records, the WebGrid displays exactly as expected. If my DataView has only 1 record, the WebGrid does not display the record and the Header row is displayed in the middle of the WebGrid. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
This issue started after being prompted to configure the WebGrid when switching to design view of my .aspx page in VS2008. It seems that the previous code in the .aspx page isn't what the WebGrid for 8.3 is expecting because every time i revert back to the previously generated code, i am prompted to re-configure each time i switch to design view. However, the previously generated code works perfectly, could this be a bug in 8.3?
A1. Yes, the grid is in a table. The table is in a DIV. That DIV is inside another DIV and the outside DIV is in an UpdatePanel.
A2. There is no Version = "4.0" in the DisplayLayout in the aspx. The code for the control was initially generated by Version 3.3. Upgrading to 8.1 seemd ok, design view didn't prompt for reconfiguration, but since upgrading to 8.3 it always prompts for reconfiguration when switching to design view.
Here is the controls code in aspx:
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="uwgAORs" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" >
<DisplayLayout AutoGenerateColumns="False" RowHeightDefault="20px"
SelectTypeRowDefault="Single" BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" RowSelectorsDefault="No"
Name="uwgAORs" CellClickActionDefault="RowSelect" ClientSideEvents-AfterRowActivateHandler="HandleAORSelection" AllowAddNewDefault="Yes">
<HeaderStyleDefault Cursor="Default" Font-Bold="True" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="white" HorizontalAlign="Left" BackColor="#c3d9ff" Font-Size="10pt" Font-Names="sans-serif">
<FrameStyle Width="100%" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="sans-serif"
BorderStyle="None" BackColor="White" Height="100%">
<FooterStyleDefault BorderStyle="None">
<ActivationObject BorderStyle="None">
<EditCellStyleDefault BorderStyle="None">
<SelectedRowStyleDefault BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="#FFE3AA">
<Padding Left="3px"></Padding>
<BorderDetails WidthLeft="0px" WidthTop="0px"></BorderDetails>
<RowAlternateStyleDefault Cursor="Hand" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid">
<RowStyleDefault Cursor="Hand" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="Name" Key="Name" Width="30%" BaseColumnName="Name">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="Status" Key="Status" Width="20%" BaseColumnName="Status">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="User" Key="User" Width="25%" BaseColumnName="User">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="Date" Key="Date" Width="25%" BaseColumnName="Date">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="AORID" Key="AORID" Hidden="True" BaseColumnName="AORID">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="RoleID" Key="RoleID" Hidden="True" BaseColumnName="RoleID">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="Accessible" Key="Accessible" Hidden="True" BaseColumnName="Accessible">