I'm using WebCombo 7.3.20073.1060 and ASP.NET 2.0
On a web form I also have:
1) a 'Filter webCombo' pushbutton calling webCombo.selectWhere("CompanyName LIKE 'a%' ") JavaScript which filters the webCombo. No full postback here, just a partial postback (Ajax call).
2) a 'Reload webCombo' pushbutton, which reloads the webCombo by making a full PostBack.
This is what happens:
1. When the web page loads for the first time, the webCombo loads a dataset with 100 rows. For this purpose I call webCombo.DataBind() in C#.
2. Pressing the 'Filter webCombo' pushbutton calls webCombo.selectWhere("CompanyName LIKE 'a%' ") and the webCombo shows only 4 rows satisfying the search criteria. For this purpose I do not call webCombo.DataBind() in C#, just wire the InitializeDataSource event handler, Infragistics does the filtering job itself, no code is required.
3. Pressing the 'Reload webCombo' pushbutton, reloads the original dataset with 100 rows. Unfortunately the webCombo does not display all the 100 rows, but just the previously filtered 4 rows ?? For this purpose I make a full PostBack, and I call webCombo.DataBind() in C#.
Attached is a full working project . Any help is highly appreciated, thank you very much.
Attached is a screen capture as well.
protected void btnReload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//the webCombo shows incorrect data
//Instead of showing all the rows, it shows only the previously filtered data ??
//these two lines constitute the workaround suggested by the Infragistics support engineer
webCombo1.DataSource = null;
webCombo1.DataSource = mDSCustomers.Tables[0];
The suggested workaround by the Infragistics support engineer does not work correctly anymore in version 7.3.20073.1061.
The suggested workaround has only worked in version 7.3.20073.1060
In version 7.3.20073.1061 a new strange behaviour has appeared:
Pressing the 'Reload webCombo' pushbutton, reloads the original dataset with 100 rows.
Unfortunately the webCombo will show incorrect data, at the top of the webCombo there are the 4 previously filtered rows having an empty "Company Name" column??
For the time being I prefer using this dirty hack for version 7.3.20073.1061
webCombo1.Rows.Clear(); // ! required for 7.3.20073.1061
webCombo1.DataSource = mDSCustomers.Tables[0] ;
Infragistics engineers should be aware that changing the underlying dataset of the webCombo by pressing a pushbutton is a real life scenario.
I am sure that changing the underlying dataset of the webCombo during the full PostBack btnReload_Click() event handler can be given a more robust solution by the Infragistics engineers.
Please notice that in my second post, I wrote:
assigning null to datasource of webcombo is not solving the last filtered rows problem in later versions. is any other solution to clear last filter from webcombo and assign full datasource on postback.