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ASP.NET Jan-23rd Hot Fix bug?

 I just installed the ASP.NET 2008 v3 2039 CLR2.0 hot fix and then upgraded my website to this latest version and I noticed the CssClass doesn't seem to work anymore when I'm using it for my webcombos. The width of my webcombo before installing the hotfix was set correctly to 150px (per the CssClass), but after installing the hotfix, the width isn't constrained to 150px anymore. 

 If I remove the CssClass and put in width="150px" instead, then this works, but not the CssClass.  Did something change in the hotfix?   It looks like the sameissue is occurring for the WebDateChooser also.

<igcmbo:WebCombo ID="wcPattern" runat="server" ComboTypeAhead="Suggest"
                    Editable="True" EnableXmlHTTP="True" SelBackColor="" SelForeColor=""
                    Version="4.00" CssClass="wcClrCol4" DataTextField="Pattern" DataValueField="Pattern">
                        <igtbl:UltraGridColumn Key="Pattern" Width="150px" BaseColumnName="Pattern">
                            <header caption="Pattern">
                    <ExpandEffects ShadowColor="LightGray" />
                    <DropDownLayout Version="4.00" XmlLoadOnDemandType="Accumulative"
                        DropdownWidth="192px" StationaryMargins="Header" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                        SortCaseSensitiveDefault="False" RowHeightDefault="15px"
                        <FrameStyle Height="130px" Width="192px">


here's my CSS for the class highlighted above





  • 19308


    This could be a regression issue, so I'll let the QE team know to try it out.  There are a couple of pieces of information that would be helpful to both understand what's going on, and possibly give you workaround. 

    When you view your page in the browser and do a view source, search for your classname, and see if it shows up in any of the elements as "class=".  If the class isn't being emitted, then it's most likely a regression issue.  If the class is being emitted, you need to figure out why your width is no longer taking effect.  For that, turn to IE Developer Toolbar.  You can click on an element and view the CSS behind it.  In this case, you're looking for anything overriding the width your setting.  It might be as easy as marking your width with !important.

    Hope this helps,


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