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PopupMenu with ClientId still not valid

I'm trying to get a popup menu to appear on an onclick client side event, when using a masterpage.  Am using Vol 3 CLR3.5, have looked at the other posts indicating name versus ClientId within masterpages.  This still is not working for me, even though the name is resolving properly.  Here is my code:

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">

<script type="text/javascript">

function PopupMenu()


if(event.button == 0 || event.button == 1)


var x = '<%= UltraWebMenu1.ClientID%>';


igmenu_showMenu(x, event);

event.returnValue =




<ignav:ultrawebmenu id="UltraWebMenu1" runat="server" javascriptfilename="" javascriptfilenamecommon=""

targetframe="" targeturl="" webmenutarget="PopupMenu">

<IslandStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Outset" BorderWidth="1px"



<HoverItemStyle BackColor="DarkBlue" Cursor="Default" ForeColor="White">



<SubMenuImage Url="ig_menuTri.gif" />


<ItemStyle Cursor="Default" />


<ignav:Item Text="Top Item">



<DisabledStyle Font-Names="MS Sans Serif" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Gray">



<ignav:Level Index="0" />


<SeparatorStyle BackgroundImage="ig_menuSep.gif" CssClass="SeparatorClass"

CustomRules="background-repeat:repeat-x; " />

<ExpandEffects ShadowColor="LightGray"></ExpandEffects>

<MenuClientSideEvents InitializeMenu="" ItemChecked="" ItemClick="" SubMenuDisplay="" ItemHover=""></MenuClientSideEvents>



<a onclick="PopupMenu()">test</a>



 I always get the proper name of ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraWebMenu1, but then Popup menu name is not valid.  What am I doing wrong?  THanks.