I have an ultrwebgrid bound to a sqldatasource. The UpdateRow event fires when I add a row, along with the AddRow event, but it does not fire when I update a row. I think I have all the AllowUpdate type fields set. The adding of rows run fine. I have taken out the paging to simplify. I can edit the lone updateable cell just fine. I have a multiple field primary key, but it is supposed to handle it as I input the fields, in the correct order, separated by commas in the DataKeyFields property. I have attached the pertinent markup and C# code.
How are you binding your grid to the SqlDataSource?
If you're doing this in code, you may need to move this to a different location (Page_Load is the most often used and may be too late in the page's lifecycle), or possibly avoid calling DataBind().
If you're doing this in the designer, then I can't think of a reason why this should occur. Can you reproduce in a sample application that we can run and debug?
i am also facing same problem ,debugger not hitting to update Row event. Any resolution on this will help me to proceed further.
Note:in feature picker, I have enabled the AJAX for grid.
protected void UltraWebGrid1_UpdateRow(object sender, RowEventArgs e) {
Sample to run and debug. I took out everything I could . Two MS-SQL tables with create SQL provided. One is just a foreign key dependency. You will have to put data in the tables. Please keep me updated on its status whether you guys do anything with it or not.
The grid is bound to the datasource via the ultrawebgrid property in the designer.
I only call UltraWebGrid.DataBind in two places. Once when I get the values for the table key I do the below along with the SqlDataSource. This is only firing once as is proper.
"Identifier"].DefaultValue = tbVendID.Text;
The other was in the uwgNotes_PageIndexChanged event which no longer occurs as paging is removed.
The AddRow is updating the database and firing UpdateRow successfully so the grid must be connected to the sqldatasource with its InsertCommand and UpdateCommand.
I do not get any error, just no database update occurs and the UpdateRow event does not fire. I am using the latest version of Infragistics35 8.3.20083.2059.