I have tried to insert a html button into a WebTab page and it can be displayed normally. But I found that whenever I switch back to this tab from other tab pages, the button disappears. What's wrong with it ??
It should work fine. Following code is working fine for me:
<h:form> <ig:tabView> <ig:tabItem value="Tab1"> <f:verbatim> <input type="button" value="Html Button 1" /> </f:verbatim> </ig:tabItem> <ig:tabItem value="Tab2"> <f:verbatim> <input type="button" value="Html Button 2" /> </f:verbatim> </ig:tabItem> </ig:tabView></h:form>
In case if you are using the code differently, please provide your code snippets.
Thank you
I face a similar issue.
If i try to use as follows inside a tab item
<f:verbatim><div style="smStyle">
<h:outputText />
<ig:checkbox /></div>
then the components are not appearing in the page.
Note: I am using facelets for my rendering in the JSF