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Help - where is DLL for Sample Browser?

Hi - I've downloaded & installed the samples app.   I'm trying to insert the LiveData sample into my own test app

The sample is looking for a assembly named Infragistics.Samples.Silverlight.Browser.DV
but the only DLL I find in the samples directory is named:
When I try to add this reference in VS2008 it errors out stating this DLL wasn't compiled for Silverlight.  Uh??

Multiple questions:
1.  Why is the sample installed DLL named differently from the LiveData sample located here:

2. Why is a reference to this 'Samples" DLL required vs. the normal Silverlight DV DLL's which are installed in C:\program files\Infragistics...? 
i.e. these sample DLL's aren't part of the normal SL DV install, so why have this additional DLL reference to a 'special' DLL which is outside of the norm?? 

3.  Why does a samples DLL obviously compiled for SL error out when trying to add it to a VS2008 SL project?
screen shot below:


Thanks in advance -

No Data
  • 12631
    Suggested Answer

    The assembly its looking for is the actual samples assembly.  If you open the samples project in Visual Studio, its the one named SamplesBrowser.Samples.DV.

    The sample contains a reference to its own assembly so that we can create StaticResources in the sample that point to localized string resources, and the header description for the sample.  It looks like you could actually remove the XAML namespaces for that assembly, and the places in the XAML where it references those namespaces and be fine in running the sample.

    Hope that helps.

