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Problem with Hierarchical WebGrid

I have Hierarchical Webgrid with 4 Bands

First 2 bands I created from 2 tables when I added relathiomship it works

Then I created a new DataSet and add data to 3 band also is working but when I tied to add data from different RecordSet to 4 Band I all time received an error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 177:	<tr ><td>
Line 178:	
Line 179:	<igtbl:ultrawebgrid id="UltraWebGrid2" runat="server"  Visible="False" >

Can you help me

Below is my code:





























































































































































































































Dim MyCommand As  SqlDataAdapter



Dim MyCommand1 As  SqlDataAdapter



Dim MyCommand2 As  SqlDataAdapter













Dim ID As Integer



Dim DS As New  DataSet



Dim i, i1, i2 As Integer



Dim iMax As Integer



Dim jMax, jMax1 As Integer



Dim j, j1 As  Integer



Dim Phone As  String



Dim children As  RowsCollection



Dim children1 As  RowsCollection



Dim found As Integer



Dim strSql As String



Dim row As  UltraGridRow

















Dim UID As String



Dim uwgRow As  UltraGridRow


ID = Request("ID")



If DropDownList1.SelectedValue.Length = 1 Then

TableName = "crec" & Dropdownlist2.SelectedValue & "0" & DropDownList1.SelectedValue




TableName = "crec" & Dropdownlist2.SelectedValue & DropDownList1.SelectedValue



End If

str = "select a.uid,last_name,first_name,site_number from scanauto_inmlist_xref a,inmate b where a.uid=b.uid and inmlist_id=" & ID & " order by a.uid"

str1 = "select distinct phone,uid from " & TableName & " where uid in (select uid from scanauto_inmlist_xref where inmlist_id=" & ID & ") and xaction_type in (10,11) order by uid "

str2 = "select distinct a.uid,phone,last_name,first_name,site_number from " & TableName & " a,inmate b where a.uid=b.uid and xaction_type in (10,11) and phone in( select phone from " & TableName & " where uid in (select uid from scanauto_inmlist_xref where inmlist_id=" & ID & ") and xaction_type in (10,11)) and a.uid not in (select uid from scanauto_inmlist_xref where inmlist_id=" & ID & ") order by phone "



MyCommand = New  SqlDataAdapter(str, MyConnection)

MyCommand1 =

New  SqlDataAdapter(str1, MyConnection)

MyCommand2 =

New  SqlDataAdapter(str2, MyConnection)

MyCommand3 = New  SqlDataAdapter(str2, MyConnection)




MyCommand.Fill(batchDataSet1, "scanauto_inmlist_xref")

MyCommand1.Fill(batchDataSet1, "crec1")

MyCommand2.Fill(DS, "crec2")

batchDataSet1.Relations.Add("scanauto_inmlist_xref", batchDataSet1.Tables("scanauto_inmlist_xref").Columns("uid"), batchDataSet1.Tables("crec1").Columns("uid"))



Me.UltraWebGrid2.DataSource = batchDataSet1.Tables("scanauto_inmlist_xref").DefaultView



UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(1).Columns(1).Hidden =


UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.ViewType = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ViewType.Hierarchical



Dim Band As New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridBand



Dim Band1 As New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridBand




UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.AutoGenerateColumns = False

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.AllowAddNewDefault = AllowAddNew.Yes

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.AllowUpdateDefault = AllowUpdate.Yes





UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(0, "UID")

UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(1, "Phone")

UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(2, "Last Name")

UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(3, "First Name")

UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(4, "Site Number")


UltraWebGrid2.Bands(3).Columns.Add(0, "Phone")

UltraWebGrid2.Bands(3).Columns.Add(1, "Name")

UltraWebGrid2.Bands(3).Columns.Add(2, "Address")

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(3).AllowAdd = AllowAddNew.Yes

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(3).AllowUpdate = AllowUpdate.Yes

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(2).RowSelectors = RowSelectors.Yes

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(2).AllowAdd = AllowAddNew.Yes

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(2).AllowUpdate = AllowUpdate.Yes

UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(3).RowSelectors = RowSelectors.Yes

iMax = UltraWebGrid2.Rows.Count



For i = 0 To  iMax - 1





If UltraWebGrid2.Rows(i).HasChildRows = True Then

children = UltraWebGrid2.Rows(i).Rows

jMax = children.Count



If jMax > 0  Then



For j = 0 To  jMax - 1

Phone = children(j).Cells(0).Text

found = 0


If DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0  Then






Dim dr As  DataRow



For i1 = 0 To  DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1

dr = DS.Tables(0).Rows(i1)



If Phone = dr("phone")  Then

found = 1

uwgRow =

New UltraGridRow(True)


uwgRow.Cells.Add(New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow.Cells(0).Value = dr("uid")


New Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow.Cells(1).Value = dr("phone")


New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow.Cells(2).Value = dr("last_name")


New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow.Cells(3).Value = dr("first_name")


New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow.Cells(4).Value = dr("site_number")











If found = 1 Then

 Exit For



End If








End If









End If



End If








UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(2).Columns(1).Hidden = True




For i = 0 To  iMax - 1






If UltraWebGrid2.Rows(i).HasChildRows = True Then

children = UltraWebGrid2.Rows(i).Rows

jMax = children.Count



If jMax > 0  Then



For j = 0 To  jMax - 1



If children(j).HasChildRows = True Then

children1 = children(j).Rows




jMax1 = children1.Count




If jMax1 > 0  Then



For j1 = 0 To  jMax1 - 1




UID = children1(j1).Cells(0).Text

Phone = children1(j1).Cells(1).Text

strSql = "select distinct phone,uid from " & TableName & " where xaction_type in (10,11) and uid<>0 and uid =" &

CInt(UID) & " and phone <>'" & Phone & "' order by phone "

MyCommand3 =

New  SqlDataAdapter(strSql, MyConnection)



Dim DS1 As New  DataSet

MyCommand3.Fill(DS1, "List")



Dim dr1 As  DataRow



If DS1.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then




For i2 = 0 To  DS1.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1

dr1 = DS1.Tables(0).Rows(i2)


Dim uwgRow1 As UltraGridRow = New UltraGridRow(True)


New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow1.Cells(0).Value = dr1("phone")



uwggRow1.Cells.Add(New Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow1.Cells(1).Value = ""


New  Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell)

uwgRow1.Cells(2).Value = ""










End If





End  If




End If





End If




End If








UltraWebGrid2.Visible = True




End Sub

No Data
  • 3732


    I went throught the code and found the UltraGridBand object "Band" is added twice to the same grid.

    bdrutman said:




    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(0, "UID")

    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(1, "Phone")

    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(2, "Last Name")

    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(3, "First Name")

    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(2).Columns.Add(4, "Site Number")


    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(3).Columns.Add(0, "Phone")

    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(3).Columns.Add(1, "Name")

    UltraWebGrid2.Bands(3).Columns.Add(2, "Address")

    UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(3).AllowAdd = AllowAddNew.Yes

    UltraWebGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands(3).AllowUpdate = AllowUpdate.Yes


    Then the columns added to the Bands are different. I was wondering, if this the block of code where you are getting the error?  Please let me know in details what you are trying to achieve.




