Hi there,
I have a large application with some 2009 vol. 1 controls. For some pages, the default placement of the "calendar popup" is fine, but on one particular page, I need to be able to set where the 'calendar popup' appears. How can I do this? Everything I've tried thus far has failed to work.
Thank you in advance,
Adrian Bromfield
Please read this help link - on the DropDownAlignment property.
Hello again. I was able to use absolute positioning on the calendar drop down using javascript (jQuery to be specific). I used the AfterDropDown client-side event to expose the drop down to javascript and then manipulate from there.
The new problem is that after positioning the drop down, all controls become dead. I cannot click on any of the days nor the month & year drop downs. They don't show as disabled, however they act like it. If i comment out the line of javascript that manipulates the css, functionality is restored.
Any suggestions? I absolutely have to reposition the drop down.
Here is my javascript :
function cboStartDate_AfterDrop(oDateChooser, dropDownPanel, oEvent) { var posL = $("#startDateContainer").offset().left - $(".FormContentContainer").offset().left; var posT = $("#startDateContainer").offset().top - 102; $(dropDownPanel).css("position", "absolute").css("left", posL + "px").css("top", posT + "px"); }
There is the "container" member variable in WebDateChooser, which contains reference to container of drop-down calendar. In case of IE, there is also can be created dynamic internal "_ieBug" variable which holds object designed to be rendered under calendar to prevent possible <select> and other elements to be rendered on top of calendar. So, those variables can be used to change location of calendar. Below is example:
<script type="text/javascript">function cboStartDate_AfterDrop(oDateChooser, dropDownPanel, oEvent){ var div = oDateChooser.container; var iframe = oDateChooser._ieBug ? oDateChooser._ieBug.Element : null; var myLeft = '200px', myTop = '100px'; div.style.left = myLeft; div.style.top = myTop; if(iframe) { iframe.style.left = myLeft; iframe.style.top = myTop; }}</script><igsch:WebDateChooser ID="WebDateChooser1" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents AfterDropDown="cboStartDate_AfterDrop" /></igsch:WebDateChooser>
Hi sorry, I just figured it out again. You have to move the hidden iframe to the same location. I don't understand why you can move one without the other and still have it be visible but whatever.
All I had to do was add an extra line of JS right after I move the dropDownPanel to move the <iframe> which looks like:
var posL = $("#startDateContainer").offset().left - $(".FormContentContainer").offset().left; var posT = $("#startDateContainer").offset().top - 102; $(dropDownPanel).css("position", "absolute").css("left", posL + "px").css("top", posT + "px"); $("iframe").css("position", "absolute").css("left", posL + "px").css("top", posT + "px");
Thanks again.