I have more than one refresh panel in my page and i want to display the refresh image location in the center of screen irrespective of which refresh panel is getting refreshed. How can i achieve this
Thanks in Advance
Hi George,
In current version of WebAsyncRefreshPanel you may use setRelativeContainer. In earlier versions using internal variables is required and not simple.Process ClientSideEvents.Initialize for all you WARPs and point them to the function like below
Codes for current version:function WebAsyncRefreshPanel1_InitializePanel(oPanel){ var pi = oPanel.getProgressIndicator(); //here body is used as container for indicator pi.setRelativeContainer(document.body); //pi.setLocation(ig_Location.MiddleCenter); //pi.setTemplate("Hello there"); //or //pi.setImageUrl('./myImage.gif');}
Regards,ViktorInfragistics web team
Hi Viktor
Thanks for your replay. But in my page i have more than one webasyncrefresh panel. The code what you specified will show refresh image in the middleCenter of one of the refresh panel only. I want the same image displayed in the center of the page, NOT Center of refresh panel.
Thanks & Regards
It appears that you still must use the old "fixPI" way for the indicator in Tabs
Please try exactly what I suggested (...for all your WARPs...) and you should see that indicators for all WARPs will appear not inside of WARP, but directly in body. Of course you may pick-up any other container instead of document.body.