I have a webgrid that has a parent band and 3 child bands(all child bands are related to the parent band by a record id number. Here is the code:
Dim relMaterialsSeason As New DataRelation("Season Records"_, MainTable.Columns(0) , SeasonTable.Columns(1))
Dim relMaterialsSeason2 As New DataRelation("RSL Records" _, MainTable.Columns(0) , RSLTable.Columns(1))
Dim relMaterialsSeason3 As New DataRelation("Supplier Information" _ , MainTable.Columns(0) , SupplierTable.Columns(0))
When I run this, only the first child band shows. I have this exact code in a Winform and it works perfectly - what am I missing on this web form?
The result you have described is expected. WebGrid can show a single child level per parent level. It cannot display multiple child levels for a single parent.
This works in Windows Forms because our WinGrid control is capable of showing multiple levels of inheritance.
You may be interested in taking a look at the August CTP of our ASP.NET AJAX controls, as this includes a preview of our new WebHierarchicalDataGrid control. This control provides the ability to display multiple child bands per parent band.
Is it possible to use this CTP in a production environment? I cant seem to figure out which dll contains the new WebHeirarchialGrid....
Or, do we have to waite for the official release?