This is very odd. First, the web grid styles appear to get repplied after an async. postback, though the update panel that the grid is set to updatemode = conditional. So, I figure I set all styles in CSS classes and it should work because you guys do some strange things with styles. It works mostly, but the font weight in the header column is still normal, though the class says BOLD, until of course the async postback happens and then the font weight reflects the CSS. That isn't the main problem though. After setting up the grid to use CSS classes, my last column in the grid is getting cut off significantly. I have found that settings UseFixedHeaders to false corrects the problem but I need that property to be True because I am using a fixed column. So, some help would be appreciated on that.
In addition, I find it utterly ridiculous that I cannot have wrapped text in a grid when fixed headers are on. This functionality should be completely independent. It seems like a pretty basic thing. The text still wraps though, it just seems to only affect the height of the cells where the text wraps.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here's a screen cap of the problem....
I can now also see that if I change the width of the grid so that it forces the horizontal scrollbars to appear, the column is not cut off. But when the grid is wide enough so that scrollbars don't appear, the column is cut off...
I've now discovered that if I remove the BorderWidth = "1px" from RowStyleDefault, the columns are cut off, even though the CSS class that is associated with RowStyleDefault has Border-Width: 1px;
So, what this tells me is that the web grid's handling of CSS styles is completely fubar, even when OptimizeCSSClassNamesOutput = "false"!!!