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Programmtically Adding Two UltraWebGrids Renders Only One Grid with Style

Here's what I'm running:

  • ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0 web application
  • Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v7.3, Version=7.3.20073.1041
  • jQuery library included in the page
  • ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit being used as well
  • Using the UltraWebGridTheme.xml for grid styling.

Now as I mentioned in the title, this only occurs when adding UltraWebGrids programmatically and only if there is more than one grid. If I just put one or more UltraWebGrids in a *.aspx, all the grids render with the same style.

So my question is, is this an Infragistics issue when adding more than one UltraWebGrid programmatically, or is there some flag that needs to be set if more than one grid is added programmatically?

Please note that I tried the grid.DisplayLayout.OptimizeCssOutputNames = Infragistics false but this does not resolve the issue. I tried this more out of desperation.

Also, we'll be upgrading to the 2009 components in the  next couple of months. Does the 2009 components' webgrid have this issue as well?

Note: jQuery does not cause the issue as it was occurring before jQuery was apart of the project.

I've also posted this same question on

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