I have multiple fields on the screen (both WebCombo and WebTextEdit). If a user enters data into a WebTextEdit field and immediately clicks on the "Submit" button, the value that was entered into the WebTextEdit field is not retained and returns a blank value.
Is there a fix for this or a work around or something?
I tested following and it did not have issue which you described.
<igtxt:WebTextEdit ID="WebTextEdit1" runat="server"></igtxt:WebTextEdit> <igcmbo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo1" runat="server"></igcmbo:WebCombo> <igtxt:WebTextEdit ID="WebTextEdit2" runat="server"></igtxt:WebTextEdit> <igcmbo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo2" runat="server"></igcmbo:WebCombo> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
I think the issue is that his submit control is not running on the server. it is a simple input type on the client. I am having the same issue where I run a form submit javascript fuction and the values of my WebTextEditor are missing in action. If I use a submit button as you have (with runat="server") then it works fine.
Well, I am now having this issue throughout all my forms, wherever I use a text field and hit an image button the text field text property is blankeven though there is data visible in the field