I am using <ig:gridView> tag to populate data (data is in an ArrayList, arraylist of an object) in a Facelet. When I am passing the dataSource as the name of the list I am getting an error as:
"The following error occured in getParameterisedBoundProperty: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert [obj1,obj2,obj3] of type class java.util.ArrayList to class javax.faces.model.DataModel"
Do I need to add the list to the DataModel object or FacesServlet should automatically convert it?
The exapmles available at the infragistics site pass list only. Can you please tell what wrong I am doing.
Thank you
Unfortunately I had the same problem. The only way I found around it is as you said, convert the list to a DataSource object. e.g. ListDataSource. I don't think you are doing anything wrong.
Thanks for the response. But how examples availabe at infragistics website are working (there an ArrayList is only bounded to datasource, not DataModel) . Any idea?