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Set Legend Palette on Pie chart

I have a Pie XamWebChart and I want to set the legend palette to a fixed set of colors. The chart is bound to an observable collection that is periodically updated via a WCF service.

Setting the Start- and EndPaletteBrushes just gives me values that are too close together. For example,  I want to set slice one to be red, slice 2 to be blue, etc. This is easily done when the chart is not bound, but that doesn't help me.

I'm just looking for some example Xaml. I would rather not do it in code.



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  • 30692
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    Unfortunately the binding options for the fills of the datapoints are constrained at the moment, so this will require some code behind. I've put together a sample of how you might achieve some of this behavior.



    <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication23.MainPage"



        xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc=""

        mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480"


      <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">

            <igChart:XamWebChart x:Name="theChart">


                    <igChart:Series ChartType="Pie"


                                    DataMapping="Label=Label; Value=Value" />






    Code Behind:


    public partial class MainPage : UserControl


            public MainPage()




                DataContext = DataItemsViewModel.GetTestData();

                theChart.Series[0].DataPoints.CollectionChanged += new System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(DataPoints_CollectionChanged);



            void DataPoints_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)


                for (int i = 0; i < theChart.Series[0].DataPoints.Count; i++)


                    theChart.Series[0].DataPoints[i].Fill =

                        (DataContext as DataItemsViewModel)[i].Fill;





        public class DataItemsViewModel : ObservableCollection<DataItemViewModel>


            public static DataItemsViewModel GetTestData()


                DataItemsViewModel ret = new DataItemsViewModel();

                ret.Add(new DataItemViewModel() { Label = "test1", Value = 4 });

                ret.Add(new DataItemViewModel() { Label = "test2", Value = 8 });

                ret.Add(new DataItemViewModel() { Label = "test3", Value = 2 });

                ret.Add(new DataItemViewModel() { Label = "test4", Value = 1 });


                return ret;




        public class DataItemViewModel


            private static int _currentColorIndex = 0;

            private static object _colorIndexLock = new Object();

            private int _colorIndex = 0;

            private Color[] _colors = { Colors.Black, Colors.Blue, Colors.Brown, Colors.Cyan, Colors.DarkGray,

                                         Colors.Gray, Colors.Green, Colors.LightGray, Colors.Magenta, Colors.Orange,

                                         Colors.Purple, Colors.Red, Colors.White, Colors.Yellow};


            public DataItemViewModel()


                lock (_colorIndexLock)


                    _colorIndex = _currentColorIndex % (_colors.Length - 1);





            public SolidColorBrush Fill




                    return new SolidColorBrush(_colors[_colorIndex]);




            public string Label { get; set; }

            public double Value { get; set; }


