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get mouse poisition when hovering map element

I am trying to get a silverlight popup to display near the mouse when I hover over a map element.

Is there a way of getting the mouse position from the elements symbol position?

  • 28496
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    this is not exposed as a feature of the map; however, you can use the RenderTransform of the Map Viewport's RootCanvas to translate the coordinate.

         private void XamWebMap_ElementHover(object sender, MapElementHoverEventArgs e)
                XamWebMap theMap = (XamWebMap)sender;
                Point pos = e.Element.ActualSymbolOrigin;
                pos = theMap.Viewport.RootCanvas.RenderTransform.Transform(pos);
                Popup pop = new Popup();
                pop.Child = new TextBlock() { Text = "hello" };
                pop.HorizontalOffset = pos.X;
                pop.VerticalOffset = pos.Y;
                pop.IsOpen = true;

    alternatively, you could just use the MouseMove event, and avoid referencing any MapElement.



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