I guess this was not added to the CSOM. Anyone had any luck implementing something that can tell when the mouse is hovering over a node? I need to trigger a javascript function when a user hovers on a node.
I required the same functionality and was able to successfully wire up the event.
1. Copy the ig_webtree.js file from the scripts directory where you installed infragistics into your project folder. (located maybe in C:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetADVantageversionX\ASP.NET\Scripts)
2. Set the JavascriptFilename property on the tree to the file you've copied.
3.Modify the copied Javascript file.
- Look for the following functions within:
function igtree_mouseover(evnt,tn) which in my version was on line 1089. At the end of the function there is an if statement if(igtxt!=null && igtxt.length>0) { ... somewhere inside that if statement, write a call to a new function. e.g. MyMouseOverFunction(tn,eNode.id) and then create this function in your own javascript files.
then you've got your event!
If you also want the Mouse Out event. The next function in the ig_webtree should be called function igtree_mouseout(evnt,tn). look for the if statement near the end of the function like: if(src.hoverSet) { and put your function in there MyMouseOutFunction(tn,eNode.id)
hopefully this was helpful!
I started work moding their js file and so far I have added my function call in the place you suggested and see what's happening. I think I need to do something like the following in my function:
First I added :
this.NodeHover=events[25]; to
function igtree_events(events)
function MyMouseOverFunction(tn, id)
var tree=igtree_treeState[tn];
var node=igtree_getNodeById(id);
if(node == null || !node.getEnabled())
var oEvent = igtree_fireEvent1(tree,tree.Events.NodeHover,node,ig_dataTransfer,evnt);
I have tree, and I've added the event to the event collection(NodeHover), I have the node retrieved by the id sent into my function. What I don't have is ig_dataTransefer and evnt. Am I on the right track? Any suggestions about the missing objects?
I have created a new folder App_JavaScriptFiles and have placed WebTreeModified.js inside of this folder. I select the webtree and change the JavaScriptFileName to point to the "~/App_JavaScriptFiles/WebTreeModified.js" file but the control is still using the default javascript file. I have tried every naming convention possible Patrick and am wondering if I am doing something incredibly stupid with the naming of the JavaScriptFileName.
I would try removing the '~/' from the front of the file path. Then try putting a simple alert("got to function"); line in the modified js file in the appropriate if statement to see if the file is being used.
The '~/' returns me to my root directory in my project and then grabs the corresponding item from that name. I have tried it with App_JavaScriptFiles/myjscriptfilename.js and still it does not work. I have put alert's in my mouseover and mouseout functions but still nothing shows up.
Here's my code for my mouseover and mouseout events
// private - Handles the mouse over event for the tree.
var eNode = igtree_getNodeElement(src);
if(eNode.id == "T_" + tn)
if(eNode.id.indexOf("M_") == 0)
if(eNode == igtree_selectedNode(tn))
var className=igtree_getResolvedHoverClass(tree,eNode);
if(src.tagName != "SPAN")
if(igtree_IE && tree.Element.clientWidth > 0 && eNode.offsetWidth > tree.Element.clientWidth)
var igtxt = src.getAttribute("igtxt");
src.HovClass = src.className;
//Added this code to bring out custom hover js function
src.className += " " + className;
src.className = className;
// private - Handles the mouse out event for the tree
var node=igtree_getNodeById(eNode.id);
if(igtxt==null || igtxt.length==0) {
if(src.hoverSet) {
prevClass = src.HovClass;
src.className = prevClass;
function igtree_mouseover(evnt,tn)
Inside this if statement
if(igtxt!=null && igtxt.length>0)
put a function call that acts as a hook to the mouseover event.
MyMouseOverFunction(tn, eNode.id);
the funciton this call is for should be in the script section of the page containing the webtree
the fhl(function header line) should look like this
function MyMouseOverFunction(tn, id){
//add code that you want to exicute on node hover here
Ok well that shouldn't matter anyways b/c those alert dialogs should be popping up. I have told you that I have implemented my events those are containing the alerts now on the control that contains the webtree. It's something to do with the control I believe that is not allowing me to give it that js file to go off of. I am using Infra. 2008 CLR 3.5