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Prism commanding


We're using Prism as a framework for our Silverlight application. In addition, we have the Infragistics XamWebRibbon in the top region.

Our problem is in using Prism commanding in conjunction with the XamWebRibbon to bind click events in the XamWebRibbon to a delegate method in our ModelView.

Out of the box, Prism only contains Button click Commands. We are trying to write a Command that will handle the Infragistic XamWebRibbon click events.  We have written the classes to handle the RibbonClick, CommandBehaviour and CommandBehaviourBase. CommandBehaviourBase has been tried with types ButtonTool, RibbonTool and RibbonToolControl.  Unfortunately without success. In each case we're getting unhelpful parser errors in our XAML on Initialize which we declare the command binding.

Has anybody got Infragistics events / Prism Commanding working ?  Can you share the CommandBehaviour/CommandBehaviourBase classes ?


  • 30692
    Offline posted

    Did you manage to resolve your problem? Have you tried it against the Silverlight 4 runtime? It seems to provide better detail on Xaml parse errors than previous versions, so it may help diagnose the problem with the Xaml. Barring that, the best strategy is usually (unfortunately) to comment out portions of the Xaml until you find the offending statement.

    Is there any sample code you can provide that demonstrates the problem?


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