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Card view in grid


Is it possible in future to see card view in XamWebGrid? Just like you did in UltraWinGrid

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    Infragistics is committed to delivering both traditional UX patterns along with some that are more cutting edge.  CardView is something on our feature backlog, although it's not something that will be done in the next release.  We ship twice a year and evaluate the backlog based on customer feedback during our sprint planning cycle.  

    On a side note, are your requirements to have a record-based databound type control or more the ability to switch from the WebGridView to the CardView with the same control?  

    Furthermore, although it's not a one-to-one match, have you checked out the xamWebTileView.  It's a pretty slick control that opens up a lot of cool capabilities with the sort of contact card scenario.

    Kind Regards,

    -Andrew M. Flick
    Product Unit Manager :: NetAdvantage LOB 
