My grid doesnt load any data when the page is first loaded but when I do a scroll (using ajax) the data shows up.
Any ideas?
Bump.. here is my html. Anyone?
<%@ Register Assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v7.3, Version=7.3.20073.38, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb"
Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid" TagPrefix="igtbl" %>
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<option selected="selected">5 Year Cycle</option>
<option>Det Level Detail</option>
<option>C12 C26 Drilldown</option>
<option>Coded ETT</option>
<option>State FSA by DET Roll Up</option>
<option>SRC to FSA Rollup</option>
<option>State Rollup Sort</option>
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<option>CMD Level</option>
<option>Unit Type</option>
<option>EFF Date</option>
<option>Unit Name</option>
<option>Unit ABBR</option>
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<option selected="selected">equals</option>
<option>does not equal</option>
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<option>is less than</option>
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I'm going to follow along on this - I think I'm having the same problem. When the grids load, all I see is the header row and the scroll bar. Once I grab the scroll bar, the grid expands and looks correct.
When expermenting with this after I got it to work I wanted to test the width and height using percentages rather than pixels (leaving them blank makes the grid fully expanded) I wanted to have the grid use percentages because of screen resolution situations. It works fine when using width=100% (ect..) but when I set the height to use a percentage I got the same error you did where only the headers would show up so Im going to have to use a solid pixel number. Perhaps this is your problem as well?
No problem,
Hopefully the infragistics guys reading this will foward that issue to their development teams and get it resolved in a future release.
Thanks for the response, and you are right. If I set the height to a specific number of pixels the problem goes away. Unfortunately the grid height can vary so it's difficult to tell what the height needs to be (and I want to avoid scroll bars). I may have to come up with a method to count to rows, multiply that times the row height and then add in the headers.