After I deployed my web site from my VS2005 workstation to our IIS7 2008 server, IE8 refuses to show all of the groups in the grid. Only the first group is visible. Why?
It works fine on my workstation. It works fine via IIS with all other browsers (opera, chrome, firefox, & safari). The grid shows all 15 records if I remove grouping. I am using NetAdvantage 9.1 ASP.NET CLR2x 9.1.2009.1.2067 v2.0.50727. I followed the directions for Deploying an Application to a Hosted Server Environment at (didn't find any 2009.1/CLR2.0 specific instructions)I copied all the DLLS from C:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage for .NET 2009.1\ASP.NET\CLR2.0\Binto the deployment Bin. I copied all of the scripts from C:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage for .NET 2009.1\ASP.NET\CLR2.0\Scripts to the deplyoment scripts directory specified in the web.config <infragistics.web styleSetName="Default" styleSetPath="~/ig_res" imageDirectory="~/images" javaScriptDirectory="~/scripts"/>
Here is a screen shot of the deployed web site via FireFox and IE8.
Rado Developer Support Engineer I Infragistics, Inc. wrote:
I am writing you regarding your deployment issue.
I am able to see that you copy all script from the dev to productions server which is not needed with your version.
Starting in .NET Framework 2.0, the NetAdvantage for ASP.NET controls' JavaScript files and some images are included in each control's assembly (e.g., Infragistics35.webUI.UltraWebGrid.9.1) as embedded resources. Therefore, unless you modified the JavaScript files, it's not necessary to deploy the JavaScript files found in the Scripts directory to the production server.
You need to copy only ig_res folder from dev to the production server.
Please take a look at the following link:
Let me know if you still facing the issue.
Bart wrote:
I removed the images and script directories and modified the web.config file to use the control's assembly.
<infragistics.web styleSetName="Default" styleSetPath="~/ig_res" /> <!--imageDirectory="~/images" javaScriptDirectory="~/scripts"/> -->
The problem still remains.
Hello Bart,
It looks like that IE ( Compat View ) with the following settings of the grid causes the issue :
<GroupByRowStyleDefault BackColor="White" BorderColor="White" ForeColor="RoyalBlue"
Font-Size="8pt" Font-Bold="True" >
<BorderDetails StyleRight="None" StyleLeft="None" StyleTop="None" Width="100%"
More specifically - Width="100%" property.
So, I am able to resolve the issue as I remove the - Width="100% from the GroppRowStyleDefault tag.
Please find attached a testing sample in which I have put together two grids , the first one is the grid with your aspx. settings .
Please run it and let me know the result .
I would like to add here that I am able to reproduce the problem only in Compatibility View of IE 8.
I guess you are experiencing the issue too in this mode. Please test my findings and let me know the result.
Best regards,
Developer Support Engineer I
Infragistics, Inc.