I'm using the TileView to layout my app and added some objects in the different TilePanes. I've added a Grid, but how can I access the object in code?
igTV:XamWebTileView x:Name="TileView" ColumnsInPage="2" RowsInPage="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"><igTV:TilePane x:Name="PaneTopLeft" Header="PaneTopLeftHeader" SizeChanged="PaneTopLeft_SizeChanged"><Grid x:Name="GridName"></Grid></igTV:TilePane><igTV:TilePane x:Name="PaneTopRight" Header="PaneTopRightHeader"></igTV:TilePane><igTV:TilePane x:Name="PaneBottomLeft" Header="PaneBottomLeftHeader"></igTV:TilePane><igTV:TilePane x:Name="PaneBottomRight" Header="PaneBottomRightHeader"></igTV:TilePane></igTV:XamWebTileView>
In the PaneTopLeft_SizeChanged code I want to use the grid GridName,but it is null!
Hi Arjan,Use this code to get the grid:private void PaneTopLeft_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e){Grid grid = (sender as TilePane).Content as Grid;}Regards,Marin
Hello Marin,
Yes, I found that out, but why is it not possible to get the object by name. If I have a stackpanel inside the grid with multiple objects in it I need to use very long statements to get the object while using the name would shorten it all.