I have a xamWebGrid that has a summary row or column, and I have it summing up a column. but the text on the header is "Sum= 123245".
is there a way to get rid of the "Sum=" key word?
how can I format the summary row?
Thanks in advance for your help
You can modify the SummaryOperands RowDisplayLabel. You would probably want to set it to " " (space).
Thanks Darell for your response, that was very helpful.
is it possible to put text before and after the aggregate result; something like: total is 1232123 projects?
I know I can set RowDisplayLabel = "Total:" but I don't know where to put projects?
also when I set the RowDisplayLabel = "Total:" and the predefined onw is: sum = 123456, the = sign doesn't get removed, the text become Total: = 123646
is there a way to get rid of the equal sign?