Is it possible to allow only one selection on WebTree? I have a pretty simple hierarchical data that needs to be shown to the user in tree-view manner (only 1 level deep). I also need to let the user to check any node, so checkboxes have been enabled. However, upon checking a node, I would like all other nodes to be un--checked. Is this possible?
I wrote the following code to iterate through the tree and un-check any node that is NOT the node that's being checked but the code reports "out of memory" error. It sounds like some sort of stack-overflow-type message and I think that for some reason the handler is getting called too many times. The tree is very small (just a few nodes in Level-0, and about 5-10 nodes in Level-1).
Can someone please point out what the problem is in my code below. Thanks for any help in advance!
var parents = tree.getNodes();
var children = parent.getChildNodes();
Try my routine, I tested it .. it works.
function UltraWebTree1_NodeChecked(treeId, nodeId, bChecked){ //Add code to handle your event here. debugger; var node = igtree_getNodeById(nodeId); var tree = igtree_getTreeById(treeId); if (!bChecked) return; debugger; if (node.getLevel() == 1) { var parent = node.getParent(); if (parent.getTag() == "Radio") { var nodes = parent.getChildNodes() for (var x = 0; x < nodes.length; x++) { if (nodes[x].Id != nodeId) { nodes[x].setChecked(false); } } } }
I found a way to put radiobutton in tree.
Create a tree with checkbox enabled. Once the tree has been populated, traverse through the tree and write the following line in your code for all child elements
igtree_getNodeById(NodeID).element.childNodes[1].outerHTML = "<INPUT TYPE='RADIO' NAME='"+ParentID+"' onclick='hello(this)'; style = \"width:10px\"\>";
This will remove the checkbox and make it a radio button, make sure you assign the ParentId correctly, that will identify the group correctly.
Also if you want to make the nodes other than leaf nodes as blank make the outerhtml for childnode 1 for that node as blank
igtree_getNodeById(NodeID).element.childNodes[1].outerHTML = "";
It is working for me.
iam having UltraWebTree .. i want check boxes only with in children.then check boxes must act as an radio buttons...give me the detailed coding
thanks for advance
Thank you very much for the suggestion. It worked perfectly except for one thing: the exclusivity is only within the same parent. For instance, if the user expands one parent (using the + sign) and makes a selection of one of its children, then expands another parent and makes a selection of a child there, both children will still be slected. Can you possible make it work so that only 1 checkbox is allowed to be checked for the whole tree and not just one parent-subtree?
Again, thanks for all your effort.