When one clicks in an Ultragrid, page goes automatically approximately to the top of the panel.
We keep the focus on the ultragrid but it is very hard to use it if the page goes up each time we click.
We thought it was a problem of css but it only appends when we click on ultragrids.
is there a property or an event that could explain this comportement?
The problem as been detected on firfox 3.6 but it works great on IE8.
Firefox v3.6x broke a surprising number of websites from the big to the small. I never really got to the bottom of what they actually changed - maybe something to do with events.
I'm very happy to accept that this wasn't Infragisitics fault - it's more likely that Firefox tightened up something that developers had previously had to implement a workaround or kludge or maybe had to interpret some rather vague so-called standard. It's darn hard work to write and support 3rd party components of the complexity of NetAdvantage when the goal posts keep moving.
Infragistics did all they could - they fixed it pretty quickly in a hotfix.
So if this is your issue, you need to apply the hotfix. If you haven't got support then I think that's a mistake on your part. There are just some things where you have to expect to upgrade and 3rd party web controls is on that list, no matter who the vendor.
Cheers, Rob.