I have a shape file,It can display successfully in ARCGIS, (the shape file include .shp,.shx,.dbf files)but we can see nothing in the xmlWebMap.What's the problem?
see if this helps you https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/retired-products-and-controls/37846/map-does-not-show-shapefile/219289#219289
The issue is probably that the projection inherent to your map file data is not Spherical Mercator, which is the default assumption of the Map.
If this doesn't help, you could send us your shape file and we can take a look at it. Let me know how it goes!
I tried as you pointed,but some file works and some doesn't . I opened the .prj file of the shape file, found "PROJECTION["Albers"]",but there's no "Albers" in MapProjectionType . I also Change the Map Coordinate System,but It still does not work .
The shape file is in the attachment,please take a look at it .Thank you !