Does anyone have feedback on being able to run SLLOB 2009.2 and 2010.2 Side-By-Side on the same developer's box?
I don't want to install the product with a comfortable feeling about not breaking existing 2009.2 applications.
I'm not aware of any issues with these versions when installed on a same machine. Note that version 9.2 is compatible with SL3, where versions 10.1,10.2 with SL4. Are you going to use the assemblies from both of these versions in a same project or have any other scenario?
If you encounter any problems, please let us know.
No, my only intention is to be able to support an existing SL3 application while moving forward on SL4 revisions in a sepeate branch of code (see TFS branch / merge scenario).
One final question. VS 2010 multi-targets both SL4 and SL 3. Are you saying that 10.2 does not support SL 3 at all, and requires an upgrade to SL 4?