Is there anyway to style the Ribbon Group area so shrink and expand height based on content?
So lets say I have on Tab and a Single Group and theres only 1 item in there.... Theres a bunch of leftover real-estate... wondering if it could be dynamically sized ? So basically in my example below, the bottom of the ribbon would end right after my close button... instead of having all that extra space after it... Ideas?
What you want to achieve conflicts with the design guidelines from MSFT.
According to the guidelines, the Ribbon must be exactly tall enough to display three vertically stacked controls that use 16x16 pixel icons.
Hope that helps,
Yes, I realize that it need to be at least that high for 3 16x16 icons, but my question is can I style your control to act a little differently. I want that to expand of contract in response to 1,2, or 3 icons. Possible?