I was playing with the samples.
One of the basic requirements is to be able to support context menus.
I did not see any examples with context menus. So I tried modifying the following, in the datadrilldown.xaml sample:
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1" x:Name="TextBlockRevenue" FontWeight="Bold" TextWrapping="Wrap" DataContext="{TemplateBinding DataContext}" Text="{Binding Path=Revenue, StringFormat='{}{0:C}'}" > <TextBlock.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Header="My ConextMenu">Foo_0</MenuItem>
</ContextMenu> </TextBlock.ContextMenu> </TextBlock>
I also added the following
<ig:XamTreemap.NodeBinders> <ig:NodeBinder TargetTypeName="Manufacturer" ValuePath="Revenue" TextPath="Name" ItemsSourcePath="Products" NodeStyle="{StaticResource ManufacturerNodeStyle}" > <ig:NodeBinder.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu IsEnabled="True" AllowDrop="True"> <ContextMenu.Items> <MenuItem Header="My New ContextMenu">Foo_1</MenuItem> </ContextMenu.Items> </ContextMenu> </ig:NodeBinder.ContextMenu> </ig:NodeBinder>
When I run the application, right-mouse-button click will not display the context menu.The intellisense shows that the object.ContextMenu is understood and the xaml compiles. it just does not display at runtime.
It would have been great if the treeMap examples also included some context menu sample.Would it be possible to get a simple complete example, ideally using the MVVM pattern.
Currently silverlight does not support a standart way to show context menus. You may try using our xamContextMenu control.
thanks for your reply.
I am not using the silverlight version/.
I'm analyzing the viability of using the WPF version. Does this change the answer?Thanks
In wpf you could handle the mouse right button down event and do something like this
void treemap_NodeMouseRightButtonDown(object sender, TreemapNodeClickEventArgs e)
e.Node.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
e.Node.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "Menu1" });
e.Node.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "Menu2" });
e.Node.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "Menu3" });
e.Node.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true;
When we are building the context menus, we would like to enable or disable the menuitem depending on whether it is the childmost visible node. How can I tell if the e.Node argument is the child most visible node?
Now we are working on a fix of the problem that one cannot specfy context menu in the xaml of the node template. The reason is that we handle the mouse right button up and the context menu does not show. Hope that in the next service release or release you will be able add context menus easier. It will also be shown only for the topmost element which is clicked.
> It will also be shown only for the topmost element which is clicked. This is not necessarily the desired behaviour.
In general, I think context menus should always be displayed, irrespective of the selected node. But the enabled state of certain menu items may depend on the properties of the selected node. We have this requirement.
I mean that the context menu will be shown only for the topmost node at the point of the click - at this point there are more nodes underneath. So if a mouse right button up is fired for all the nodes underneath several context menus would be popped up.